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Each list has an associated set of aliases in the mail tables. These are used by the system to ensure that error messages, requests to join the lists and enquiries are handled correctly. As these aliases are visible in mail headers, a brief explanation of their purpose follows. The <listname>-request alias is an alias for majordomo. For example, if the list is called "trees", an alias will be created called "trees-request". Any request sent to this address will be handled by the majordomo software. This <listname>-owner alias is set up to point to the owner of the list. For example, if the list is called "trees", an alias will be created called "trees-owner". Any request sent to this address will be sent to the list owner. The <listname>-outgoing alias is an alias for the list. For example, if the list is called "trees", an alias will be created called "trees-outgoing". This alias is not intended for external use, but is used within the system so that error messages are routed correctly. The <listname>-outgoing-request
alias is an alias for the list owner. For example, if the list is called
"trees", an alias will be created called "trees-outgoing-request".
This alias is not intended for external use, but is used within the system
as the sender of email to a list. Any error messages generated by outgoing
email to the list will then be sent to the list owner rather than the
list itself. The list owner is then aware of any problems with addresses
on the list and can take action to rectify them. Last Updated 05 November 1999. Please mail any comments to C.B.Bayliss@bham.ac.uk