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There is a configuration file associated with each list. This can be used for a variety of configuration options which are documented in more detail which can be found by clicking on the following link: Supported Configuration Options. The configuration options can be modified using the majorcool web interface . Alternatively, the file can be modified by email using the method below, but this is no longer recommended. The subscription policy is the most commonly changed option and is described in detail earlier in this document. In order to check the current options you can fetch a copy of the configuration file by sending the following command to majordomo@bham.ac.uk. config <listname> <password> where <listname> is the name of the list and <password> is the list password. For example in order examine the configuration file of the list trees with the password "brt6yhui" the command would be config trees brt6yhui The configuration file should consist of lines containing configuration options for the list. A typical one follows. subscribe_policy = closed Some lists will have fewer options and others more. Comment lines may be present (starting with a #). These are ignored by majordomo, but are useful for storing information that is readable by you or a subsequent list owner. For example, you may wish to add a comment about why a particular option was chosen. When the file is changed, majordomo automatically puts the date of the most recent change as a comment on the last line. For example, #[Last updated Thu Jun 20 15:05:02 1996] If you wish to reset any of the options, send a message to majordomo containing the newconfig command, followed by all of the options (including those previously set that you do not wish to change), and ending with EOF newconfig <listname>
<password> where <password> is the list password, <listname> is the name of the list and <policy> is either "open" or "closed". The letters EOF terminate the configuration file. For example, to change the membership subscription policy in the above example to open, the following would be sent to majordomo newconfig trees brt6yhui To set the policy back to closed, the command would be newconfig
trees brt6yhui Many other configuration options are available. Last Updated 22 June 2006. Please mail any comments to C.B.Bayliss@bham.ac.uk