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which [<search string>] This command allows you to ask about which lists you are subscribed to. For example which If the search string is omitted, the search is based on the address from which you are sending the request. Optionally, an address can be added (the square brackets [] are a standard notation for depicting optional parameters and should not be given when using the command). This is useful if you are sending the request from an address other than the one which you wish to enquire about. For example which E.V.Nebor@bham.ac.uk It should be noted that this command searches the lists and matches exactly the characters you have typed (ignoring case). Some lists at bham.ac.uk will have been set up by list owners using Central Mail Names only. This is valid because the mailing lists are held on the central mail server where central email names are local mail addresses. Lists are normally set up like this at The University of Birmingham when the list owner does not want to allow people to remove themselves from lists without authorisation; this is commonly done for lists set up with various groupings within departments. When searching for such entries, the site address must be omitted. For example which E.V.Nebor You can also give part of your name only as the search string, then all entries that match this will be returned including usernames based on your name. For example which Nebo This is particularly useful if you are subscribed to different lists using different address. However, all searches which don't use a fully qualified email address could potentially return information relating to other users with similar addresses, so care should be taken when examining the results of a search. If your address is not based on your name, then an appropriate search string matching your allocated mailname or username should be used. For example, which gie1prt1 Last Updated 07 Apr 1997. Please mail any comments to C.B.Bayliss@bham.ac.uk